
Pellevé ® Wrinkle Reduction System 

Aging is inevitable. We may not be able to halt the aging process, but we can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that are caused by aging and environmental factors. Many people want to eliminate the appearance of superficial signs of aging but want to steer away from surgical procedures that often involve discomfort and a lengthy recovery. Thankfully, looking and feeling younger is possible with a non-surgical skin tightening treatment from the Pellevé® RF Wrinkle Reduction System.

At Premier Beauty Medical Aesthetics, we offer Pellevé®, a system that delivers constant, gradual radiofrequency (RF) energy deep into the skin, causing heat build up where the skin and fat layers meet. Not only can patients achieve a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but they can also achieve a tighter, more youthful complexion.

Benefits  of  Pellevé ®

  • Wrinkle Reduction
  • Quick procedure
  • No downtime
  • Virtually painless
  • Minimal side effects and risks
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Patients who want to eliminate wrinkles safely, efficiently, and non-surgically are ideal candidates for Pellevé®. Before treatment, patients should be completely hydrated and discuss the use of any medications or topical products with their doctor; in some cases, patients will be required to temporarily discontinue the use of certain prescription medications and skin creams before they can undergo treatment.


Pellevé® treatment is virtually painless and does not require any anesthesia, and it can be performed in one hour. Before Pellevé® treatment, a gel will be applied to the treatment area. As the Pellevé® GlideSafe® handpiece is moved across the treatment area, patients can expect to feel a warming sensation. The GlideSafe® device will deliver energy to the dermal tissue using advanced RF technology. Many patients have said Pellevé® feels like a warm, pleasant massage, making Pellevé® unlike other skin-tightening systems. The increasing heat from the Pellevé® handpiece modifies the collagen bundles deep in the skin, causing contraction and stimulating the growth of new collagen over time.
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Recovery and  Results

Pellevé® treatment does not require any recovery time; patients can return to work and normal activities immediately following the treatment. However, patients can expect the skin to be slightly pink and may experience mild swelling for a few hours, which can be covered easily with makeup. Typically, patients will notice a significant reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and change in the skin tone within 24 to 48 hours after treatment.

Most patients will need up to three treatments to achieve optimal results, which should be spaced at least one month apart. Considering that Pellevé® works by stimulating new collagen growth, it could take several months until full results are noticeable. Follow-up treatments may be required, and a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 should be worn daily to protect the skin.

If you are interested in treatment with the Pellevé® RF Wrinkle Reduction System, you can learn more by making an appointment with Dr. Jeffries. Schedule your consultation by calling Premier Beauty Medical Aesthetics, at 909-557-2477 today.

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