Tattoo Removal

People get tattoos for many different reasons. A tattoo can celebrate a life event or signify a special relationship. Whether a person gets a tattoo for cultural, religious, or personal beliefs, circumstances can change and lead to tattoo regret. A promotion or new job search may necessitate removal for professional reasons. No matter the reason for experiencing tattoo regret, people have options for removing their tattoos safely and efficiently.

At Premier Beauty Medical Aesthetics, we offer innovative tattoo removal treatment with PicoSure®. PicoSure® uses ultra-short laser pulses that break apart the ink, and then the particles are absorbed by the body and eliminated naturally. In comparison to invasive tattoo removal treatments, PicoSure® offers safe tattoo removal with minimal downtime and very little discomfort.

Benefits  of  Picosure ®

  • Minimal downtime
  • Safe and effective
  • Non-invasive
  • Quick results
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Because PicoSure® is safe and efficient, just about anyone with a tattoo that they would like removed may be a candidate. The laser is safe on all skin types and can be used on fair skinned to deeply pigmented people. Ink colors like red, orange, and yellow that are hard to remove can be treated with PicoSure®. Even those with dark, stubborn colors can see improvement. It is important that the individual is sure about their decision to have the tattoo removed and is realistic in their expectations.


Using the latest laser technology, PicoSure® emits ultra-short pulses (one trillionth of a second in length) of intense light energy directly into the ink particles. The pressure from the light energy breaks up the tattoo ink into tiny particles, which are easily absorbed and eliminated by the body. The number of treatments needed for complete tattoo removal will vary based on the tattoo color, volume, and depth of ink.

 PicoSure® is an FDA-approved treatment deemed safe for tattoo removal, and this quick procedure offers virtually no downtime. After each PicoSure® session, patients can immediately return to work and normal activities.

 PicoSure® can provide satisfying results in a healthier and more natural way compared to surgical and other laser tattoo removal procedures.

 Patients suffering from tattoo regret will be able to have their ink removed with minimal discomfort, downtime, scarring, or evidence of even having a tattoo in the first place.

To learn more about PicoSure® for tattoo removal, schedule your consultation by calling Premier Beauty Medical Aesthetics at (909) 285-0088.

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